What is Myotherapy?

This is a question I get asked all the time. Myotherapy is big, and in great demand in Melbourne, and other capital cities but in Newcastle NSW is not so well known. It should be though, it works a treat.

Myotherapy has a holistic and accumulative approach to assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation for your muscles. Resolving your tension, pain, joint restriction, immobility and strength issues, by using the best of the best manual treatment techniques to get to the root cause of your problem fast.

…. Myotherapy takes your recovery to the another level, when compared to remedial massage!’

With the combination of direct trigger point therapy, dry needling, myofascial cupping, joint mobilisation, neurological assessment, stretch & exercise rehabilitation, clients are often surprised how quickly they are back doing what they love and without pain.

In your appointment, Sal will ask about your problems areas, movement that causes you pain, strengths and weaknesses, pain referral patterns, and any identifiable neurological connections at play, to source the problem. You can expect to get any number of treatment styles in a myotherapy session, determined by how your symptoms present.

Another component that is often not considered, is the evaluation of the fascia. The thin, fibrous sheets of tissue that surround and separate or bundle your muscles, ligaments and tendons, can also be the cause of your restriction/s.

After release, preventative stretching will help to prolong time between appointments.  

Your appointment time is about what you need, and that could include any number of different treatment styles in the one appointment, and let’s not forget your lymphatics. Sal’s got you covered inside and out. See the headers under Myotherapy on the main menu, for a detailed description of services